Free GRE Prep – Overview
Getting ready for the GRE is a time-consuming process and you need determination, drive, and academic resolve to attain a top score. You've set your sights on the school of your dreams and now all you need to do is practice, practice, practice—right? Of course, this is easier said than done, but with your perseverance, anything is attainable— which is why you deserve accurate, accessible, and truly reliable GRE free sample questions and mock exams.
Manhattan Review is happy to provide a wide array of free GRE prep options in our tireless mission to support MBA-bound future business leaders. After all, if you're going to conquer verbal reasoning questions it will take some recurring practice and regular drills—all of which you can utilize thanks to the diversity of options from which to choose with our free GRE offerings. You're working hard for that top score, so let us provide you with quality preparation.
Free GRE Practice Questions
Our free practice questions open doorways of understanding and insight into each particular GRE question type. Your knowledge of the exam has brought you this far, so let us help you attain that top score with samples of question types you will face on test day. You're intending for a high score, so why shouldn't you practice with GRE questions that meet you at that top tier level?
We pride ourselves in providing free GRE practice questions that really aid students in deconstructing what each question really asks. Our comprehensive and comprehensive explanations for correct answers is just as insightful as our explanations for the incorrect answer choices. With all the hours you've spent studying, you'll be pleased to see we offer more than one way to arrive at a correct conclusion. Our free practice questions are available at your fingertips to reveal to you the GRE progress you are making.
We even go so far as to categorize each practice question by level of difficulty, covering topics such as number properties, text completion, even permutation and combination. Since you have mastered all of the "easy" GRE questions, our levels of difficulty begin at Medium, then go to Challenging, culminating in Hard. At the end of the day, advanced GRE students value advanced GRE practice questions.
Whether it's muddling through GRE question types like numeric entry or text completion, these free exercises facilitate a thorough understanding of how to apply effective GRE test day strategies. With your goals and aspirations already set high, we're helping you set your confidence even higher, but also urging you to proceed with caution and avoid wrong answer traps.
With our Quantitative Reasoning questions, areas like statistics, world problems, and geometry are covered more than once. Since number properties can mess up even the most proficient GRE student, we accompany each with detailed explanations, expounding upon why a particular question is correct—even going the extra level and describing why others are wrong. Since you're aiming for a top score, we strive to leave no stone unturned—or in this case, no mathematical question unturned!
As apparent with our Verbal Reasoning sample questions, you're guaranteed to come upon common text completion and sentence equivalence practice that is sure to come in handy for test day. Whether it's building up your advanced English vocabulary or reviewing grammar-related topics that are meant to be stumbling blocks for even the most proficient GRE test-taker, we point out each practice question's unique challenge and solution. Our Verbal GRE questions aren't just mere samples for the curious onlooker, they are emblematic of what to expect when sitting for the exam. Your success understanding our particular explanations equals our success at Manhattan Review.
Whether it's demanding questions on co-ordinate geometry, sentence equivalence, or data interpretation, you will walk away with a refined understanding of the GRE can only come through accurate—and repeated—practice. We'll supply the free material and you can supply your drive and determination. Our GRE practice questions are a superior resource as you make strides in your goals and dreams.
New Innovative Visual Tool: Your Answers Versus Those of Other Test Takers
At Manhattan Review, we believe in merging real world GRE practice with test-taker data. If you don't believe us, take a look at our screenshot below. We have devised a highly beneficial component to our practice questions that enables each student to statistically determine their chances of answering each question correctly compared with others. Not only can this shed some light on the process of answering a question 100% accurately on a test as important as the GRE, but it can also reveal to you your thought process in contrast with others. Never hurts to size up your competition, right?
In this particular question, you see that the majority of test-takers answered the question correctly—77.8%, to be exact. The question that most confused those who didn't was answer B, at 13.1%, which is what "you" answered, since it's highlight in bold, followed by answer A at 4.7%, with D at 2.9% and E at 1.6%. We believe in taking GRE prep one step further beyond just the standard right/wrong practice question setup; we place an emphasis on your own process, which includes a natural inclination to integrate test-taker data with strategy. This will not only enhance your overall game GRE game plan, but aid you in garnering a deeper and more comprehensive idea of everything this test is. What are you waiting for? Get practicing with this new and exciting feature!
Example Question (Screenshot):

Free GRE Practice Test
The inherent value of mock GRE tests cannot be highlighted enough when it comes to tracking your much-deserved progress. What better way to get a feel for the entire GRE testing experience than to take a sample test? How else can you determine what GRE score you need to attain unless you know which one you currently have? Diagnostic practice exams shed light on the significant leaps and bounds you're making in your own course of study and emphasize areas of improvement, as well as weaknesses. They are a tool to help you pave your way forward.
In addition to its high quality and accuracy, our free GRE practice test is also section-adaptive, just like the actual GRE test. Not only will you get the look, feel, and sense of what to expect on test day, but your mind can rest assured your high-scoring potential is aligned with our unparalleled content precision. There's nothing like feeling prepared when a long exam awaits you, so get going today on dependable practice with our free GRE practice test!