Best ISEE Preparation

Manhattan Review ISEE Prep

Your Child's ISEE Prep Journey begins here

In today's hyper-competitive world of private school admissions, securing acceptance to a prestigious elementary, middle, or high school program is no longer simply about being a strong student: your child needs to stand out to ensure their application is noticed. At Manhattan Review, we understand the importance of helping children attend schools with instant name recognition, as this sets them up to attend a prestigious college and eventually establish an exciting and rewarding career. In order to gain admission to the most selective private schools, your child will need to obtain a very high ISEE score. Fortunately, they do not have to achieve this high score on their own. At Manhattan Review, our ISEE prep courses are carefully designed to prepare students for the ISEE while helping them shine brighter than other hopeful applicants. Given our established legacy of high test score success, our courses allow students to take the first step towards being accepted at even the most competitive private school programs.

Unsurpassed Instruction

Manhattan Review's test prep courses and tutoring services—both in-person and in our interactive online classroom—are taught by highly qualified instructors who have mastered the ISEE and obtained elite standardized test scores themselves. Whether your child is prepping online or in-person, we intentionally keep our class sizes small so our instructors can get to know each and every student. Our instructors are high-achieving individuals, and in addition to high standardized test scores, they also possess degrees from leading universities around the world. More importantly though, our instructors are all exceptional teachers. They have strong communication skills and unparalleled hands-on experience helping students prepare for tests by tailoring study plans to their specific learning needs and goals. 

Manhattan Review is respected throughout the test prep industry for our selective hiring process of instructors and tutors. Since Manhattan Review is a boutique test prep company offering personalized ISEE support, we have the ability to dedicate more resources than most firms to our hiring process. By doing so, we are able to ultimately hire only those applicants with both superb test-taking and teaching skills, giving our students the best chance of preparing in the most effective way possible.

Our ISEE Prep is highly customizable, and Manhattan Review has many options available to tailor preparation exactly to the student's needs. Therefore, the best way to proceed is to speak to one of our friendly and highly regarded ISEE specialists. Requesting an appointment is easy, please simply fill out the ISEE Prep Consultation Request Form, and we will be in touch right away. And yes, this in-depth consultation is completely free, so get your prep started today!

ISEE Prep: Course or Tutoring, In-Person or Online

When it comes to preparing for the ISEE, we know every student learns in their own way. That is why we are proud to offer a variety of test prep options, allowing your child's learning to be customized to their specific ISEE needs, as well as their current schedule. 

Many students enjoy learning in the company of others. They find themselves motivated or encouraged by being around other hard-working learners and interacting with their classmates. For those students, we offer classroom-style group courses at in-person locations or online. In-person courses are perfect for students who focus better in a learning environment outside of their home. Courses taught in physical classroom locations are ideal for students who are able to travel in order to learn alongside their peers. Online group courses, on the other hand, are perfect for students who require more flexibility in their ISEE prep but who still want to learn as part of a larger group.

Other students do not perform at their best when trying to master challenging academic information in a group setting. They may find themselves distracted by other students or worried about slowing down the pace of the group. Alternatively, these students may become bored once they have mastered a concept but cannot move on until everyone in the group is able to demonstrate similar mastery. For students who prefer to learn at their own pace and who do best with truly personalized test preparation, we offer private tutoring sessions either in-person or virtually. Many students prefer to meet with their private tutor in-person at a mutually convenient location. Other students, however, particularly those in higher grades with busy school and extracurricular activity schedules, may require the flexibility of online private tutoring, which can take place in the comfort of your home or anywhere your child has a stable internet connection. 

At Manhattan Review, we offer customizable test prep options to ensure you can make the best ISEE prep choices possible for your child. When a child is able to concentrate in a supportive learning environment—whatever that means for them—you will be amazed at how fast their knowledge of the ISEE will progress, ensuring they are prepared and confident on the day of their exam.

Maximize Study Time With Manhattan Review

The Manhattan Review curriculum is designed to reinforce test-related skills through a combination of exercises, in-class instruction, online problem sets, and practice tests that closely mimic the actual test. Practice tests are especially important, as the ISEE is a different type of test than many students are used to…it measures how students think and arrive at conclusions, in addition to assessing the knowledge they have accumulated based on prior schooling. Learning exercises, both those completed in-class or with a tutor, as well as at home, cover the concepts that are assessed in test questions. These exercises also help our instructors identify any areas where students need reinforcement or additional assistance. During the class or tutoring session, instructors review problem areas and introduce coursework with the next level of difficulty. Following each class or tutoring session, students can test their mastery of the concepts they have studied through online problems that incorporate the concepts covered into actual test questions.

What Sets Manhattan Review Apart: Our Instructors

We are proud of the reputation we have developed for our very selective hiring process of instructors and tutors. We expect two things from our instructors: exceptional standardized test scores and a passion for helping students obtain their own high ISEE score through consistent progress and personalized feedback. Ultimately, we only hire those instructors with both superb test-taking and teaching skills, ensuring our students receive the highest quality instruction and setting them up for their own ISEE success. 

We have learned a great deal from our experience in the test prep industry. Specifically, we understand that taking an exam and teaching others how to take it are two separate skills. Our instructors are skilled at tailoring the information they teach to each student's learning style, and the quality of our instructors is simply another reason Manhattan Review continues to stand out from other test prep companies. 

To truly understand what makes Manhattan Review so unique, it helps to consider the origins of the firm. Manhattan Review was conceived and started at an Ivy League business school, specifically, Columbia University Business School in New York City. Manhattan Review's Founder was not only pedagogically trained but went on to become a leading academic, eventually accepting a position as a professor at a prestigious business school in Europe. The experience the founder gained by being an active member of collegiate hiring committees, as well as evaluating the teaching potential of countless applicants, cannot be overstated or acquired through other contexts. That is why Manhattan Review's preparation options are widely considered the best choice for serious ISEE students.

Given the highly selective hiring process conducted by Manhattan Review, our instructors are more than capable of teaching all aspects of effective test preparation. This includes administering diagnostic tests, planning the most useful lessons, and guiding students through applicable test content. We strive to make sure each student receives the attention and expertise they deserve when preparing for such an important exam as the ISEE.

Our ISEE Prep is highly customizable, and Manhattan Review has many options available to tailor preparation exactly to the student's needs. Therefore, the best way to proceed is to speak to one of our friendly and highly regarded ISEE specialists. Requesting an appointment is easy, please simply fill out the ISEE Prep Consultation Request Form, and we will be in touch right away. And yes, this in-depth consultation is completely free, so get your prep started today!

Why Choose Manhattan Review for Your Child's ISEE Prep?

Here are a few of the reasons why Manhattan Review is the best choice for students' ISEE prep needs:

  • Expertly Crafted Curriculum:
    Our ISEE Prep courses are carefully curated by a team of experts who have mastered the ISEE inside and out. This means students who prepare for the ISEE with Manhattan Review are not simply preparing for an exam…they are being guided by the best minds in the test prep business. Our curriculum is continuously updated to reflect the latest ISEE trends and techniques, ensuring students are equipped with cutting-edge strategies designed to result in the highest test score possible.
  • Unmatched Instructor Excellence:
    Our instructors are not only exceptional test takers but also mentors who have walked the exact path your child is on. They bring real-world experience and offer insights that go beyond textbooks and rote memorization. Their knowledge, friendliness, and dedication are the cornerstones of our teaching approach, providing an academic and emotional support system unmatched in the test prep industry.
  • Personalized Learning Approach:
    We recognize the uniqueness of each and every student. Our courses offer personalized study plans tailored to individual strengths and weaknesses. This customized approach ensures that no time is wasted by focusing efforts where they are needed most, making test prep more efficient and effective.

We invite you to contact us today to learn more about Manhattan Review's comprehensive ISEE prep courses and tutoring programs. It is never too soon to start investing in your child's academic future, and we look forward to helping your child achieve the educational success they deserve.

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