Executive Assessment Online Tutoring with Manhattan Review

Hiring an Executive Assessment Online Tutor – Advantages & Disadvantages

For many years, Manhattan Review has proudly offered not only in-person preparation courses and tutoring, but also online prep classes and resources. The global pandemic that began in 2019 accelerated a rapid shift towards online educational options, as in-person meetings were not feasible from a practical or legal point of view. While Manhattan Review continues to offer in-person courses and tutoring in locations where there is significant demand, potential clients might wish to consider the advantages of utilizing our online preparation options. With a thorough understanding of the advantages and potential disadvantages of online learning, you can choose the best option for yourself and your specific Executive Assessment preparation needs. Here are a few advantages that are frequently mentioned to us by our online students:

More time to study

Travelling to a physical location is time consuming, and—thinking about the New York subway, the London Tube, or a car ride in LA—such an endeavor can be quite an inconvenient (and potentially expensive) experience. Many clients are happy to leave behind to travel times in order to spend their time on what really matters: prepping for the Executive Assessment. Some clients complete their online courses or tutoring sessions at their favorite café or even from their place of work while others prefer to learn in the comfort of their home. Regardless of where you prefer to learn, you can save yourself a significant amount of time and stress by using one of our comprehensive online prep options to prepare for the EA without diminishing the quality of your educational experience.

Increased flexibility

We all have busy schedules, whether that includes full-time work, leisure activities, visiting family and friends, or running errands. Trying to fit an in-person EA preparation course into your routine can be challenging and sometimes simply impossible. Our online courses allow clients flexibility in their preparation, not only by offering them the option of learning at home, but also allowing them to utilize the recordings of the sessions if they are unable to attend the live lesson for any reason. If you are concerned about asking questions during or between tutoring sessions, there is no need to worry; your instructor will happily answer any questions that might arise, which can be done during a live session or via email. Our online group courses and private tutoring packages are a perfect fit for clients who are working or studying full-time, but who are also still are serious about obtaining an elite score on the EA and attending a leading MBA program.

If we offer an in-person class at a particular location, this will typically be offered at a specific time every week. With our online options, which follow the exact same syllabus as the in-person courses, you have the ability to choose between a variety of meeting times, allowing you to select the one that best suits your personal schedule, as well as your Executive Assessment prep needs.

The Executive Assessment Tutoring Process is highly customizable, and Manhattan Review has many options available to tailor preparation exactly to the client's needs. Therefore, the best way to proceed is to speak to one of our friendly and highly regarded EA specialists. Requesting an appointment is easy, please simply fill out the EA Consultation Request Form and we will be in touch right away. And yes, this in-depth consultation is completely free and without any obligations, so get your prep started today!

EA Private Tutoring

Hours package 12 to 48 hours, Personalized 1-on-1 Tutoring, In Person or Live Online

EA Private Course

12 hours in total, Personalized 1-on-1 Course, In Person or Live Online