GMAT Practice Tests Online to prepare for the GMAT

Taking practice tests is an important part to begin preparation for the actual GMAT test. Practice test results allow test takers to identify weaknesses and devise a strategy for focusing study on areas that might make the most impact.

GMAT Practice Tests

Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT)

GMAT Prep Course Online - Photo of Student Mathew

I took the GMAT yesterday and got......680 (unofficial score). Needless to say I am delighted, if somewhat stunned. I never thought I'd score 100 points higher than last time around. My maths improved the most (from 32nd percentile to 56th percentile) and I was in the 95th percentile in my verbal. If I'd had a few more weeks I'm sure I could have improved my maths score even more, but I'm happy with 680. Thanks for all your help and the excellent classes. They really were invaluable and worth every minute.
- Mathew (This student took our London GMAT classic course)

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