Free GMAT Practice Test | Free GMAT Online Review

Practice for free with Manhattan Review's GMAT Practice Test

How would you perform if you took the GMAT today? This is a question that's probably in the back of your mind. While discovering your score as it currently stands might be a little intimidating, taking a practice exam is a big leap towards evaluating your GMAT strengths, weaknesses, and overall score range. Why not simulate exam day in the comfort of your home or office? It never hurts to know your projected score and we're delighted to help you make that first step.

Just like the actual GMAT, our free practice exam is computer-adaptive (CAT), meaning that it differs in levels of difficulty. Correct answers give way to harder questions in the next portion, mimicking precisely what you're sure to face on exam day. We pride ourselves in providing a top tier practice test that enables you to experience the GMAT for yourself. What we're offering isn't just vaguely similar to the test, it's one of the closest things you'll get to the test.

Diagnostic mock exams are a vital part of GMAT preparation. Not only do they facilitate students to identify weaknesses, but they illuminate common errors and even time constraints pertinent to test day. Through taking them time and time again, they will help you in devising a GMAT strategy that will make the most impact—if not a dramatic difference in your overall score.

So how close are you to your ideal score? There's only one way to find out. Click the link below and fill out the form to receive instant access to our free GMAT computer-adaptive (CAT) practice exam. You could be enhancing your score within minutes, which means one step closer to your goals.

GMAT Practice Tests

Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT)

GMAT Prep Course Online - Photo of Student Mathew

I took the GMAT yesterday and got......680 (unofficial score). Needless to say I am delighted, if somewhat stunned. I never thought I'd score 100 points higher than last time around. My maths improved the most (from 32nd percentile to 56th percentile) and I was in the 95th percentile in my verbal. If I'd had a few more weeks I'm sure I could have improved my maths score even more, but I'm happy with 680. Thanks for all your help and the excellent classes. They really were invaluable and worth every minute.
- Mathew (This student took our London GMAT classic course)

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